Entries by Andrew Gallan

Customer Experience Challenges: Bringing Together Digital, Physical and Social Realms

The purpose of this paper is to explore innovations in customer experience at the intersection of the digital, physical and social realms. It explicitly considers experiences involving new technology-enabled services, such as digital twins and automated social presence (i.e. virtual assistants and service robots). Future customer experiences are conceptualized within a three-dimensional space – low […]

Words Matter: What Is a Consumer?

Words matter. They convey our thoughts, they illuminate our understandings, and they can comfort or not. Many people use the word “consumer” in the context of health care without thinking about its meaning. I urge you to think more deeply and clearly about its meaning before you use it again. According to Miriam-Webster, a consumer […]

Perfect Ratings with Negative Comments: Learning from Contradictory Patient Survey Responses

Perfect Ratings with Negative Comments: Learning from Contradictory Patient Survey Responses Lead Research Article in Patient Experience Journal Abstract: This research explores why patients give perfect domain scores yet provide negative comments on surveys. In order to explore this phenomenon, vendor-supplied in-patient survey data from eleven different hospitals of a major U.S. health care system […]

Learning from Patient Narratives for Human-Centered Design to Transform PX

Andrew Gallan, PhD, Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Kellstadt Graduate College of Business at DePaul University, and Senem Guney, PhD, CPXP, Founder and Chief Experience Officer at NarrativeDx discuss the interplay between “Top Box” domain scores and patients’ comments in measuring patient experience. Dr. Guney shares her expertise in how to bring a mixed-methods approach (qualitative/quantitative analysis) to […]

Physician Transparency Requires Understanding Patients’ Comments

http://blog.narrativedx.com/physician-transparency-requires-understanding-patients-comments?utm_campaign=Thought%20Leadership%202017%20-%20Blog%20Post%2025&utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social This is a guest blog post by Andrew Gallan, PhD, a teacher, researcher, and adviser to organizations on designing services to improve patient experience. Now that over 50 healthcare organizations regularly publish patient evaluations of physicians on their public-facing websites (Ed Bennett Consulting 2017), transparency around physician ratings and reviews has become a growing focus in […]

How Home Health Can Achieve the ‘Wow Factor’ with Patients

How Home Health Can Achieve the ‘Wow Factor’ with Patients By Alana Stramowski | April 11, 2017 When home health providers think of the “patient experience,” high-quality care is likely what comes to mind first. In reality, physical care may just be one aspect of an outstanding patient experience. The real definition of patient experience can be beyond […]

Calculating and Understanding the Drivers of a Net Promoter Score in Health Care

The Beryl Institute Blog Series: http://theberylinstitute.site-ym.com/blogpost/947424/275365/Calculating-and-Understanding-the-Drivers-of-a-Net-Promoter-Score-in-Health-Care In 2016, Advocate Health Care, the largest health system in the Chicagoland area, integrated into its performance measures a Net Promoter-like score, which they call a Patient Loyalty Score (PLS). Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a valuable metric, and it has been adopted by many companies in almost every […]

The Menagerie: Observations in a Waiting Room

Two years ago my 89-year-old father had minor surgery on his leg to remove a cancerous growth. The dermatologist had to scrape so many layers before eliminating diseased tissue that he recommended my father visit the wound care center to speed healing. In this organization, wound care was part of the Physical Therapy department on […]

Innovation at DePaul: Predictive Analytics for Health Care

Innovation at DePaul: Predictive Analytics for Health Care 6/1/2016 Twitter Facebook Google Plus What’s the practical value of big data in the health care industry?“It’s limitless,” says Raffaella Settimi (above), an associate professor in the College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM). “The first objective among stakeholders—doctors, hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, and pharmacies—is better patient […]